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Opening Chess Moves – Make strong Moves right away!

Learn theoretical sound opening chess moves. This will enable you to make strong chess moves in your chess games right from the start. This builds a strong chess position right away and increases your chances of winning dramatically.

“In chess so much depends on opening theory, so the champions before the last century did not know as much as I do and other players do about opening theory. So if you just brought them back from the dead, they wouldn’t do well. They’d get bad openings.”
by Chess Champion Bobby Fischer

Chess tutorials and chess books help you to learn chess openings to be able to make the best chess moves when you start your game. To know various opening systems is basic chess knowledge of every good chess player.

Every Chess Opening has its own Plan and Strategic Chess Ideas.

Learn Chess Openings in general, but become a specialist in a few selected openings. This will save you a lot of time and energy in a serious chess game.

You will be able to play the first 12 chess moves or more in just about two minutes without much thinking. You don’t switch off your brain completely, but you play so much faster and more efficient than before, especially if you understand the plan of your selected opening.

Which Opening Chess Moves are good for you?

You should replay various chess openings to find out what type of opening you like. After that build a complete repertoire for Black and White. You learn this in
GM Smirnov’s Chess Opening Video Courses

For Beginners and Advanced, who have not much time and need an opening repertoire that covers up almost everything as fast as possible, go to learn chess openings fast and learn just a few selected systems like the London System as White or to put it to the extreme learn just ONE opening, the b6-System or the the UNIVERSAL SYSTEM.

I give you an overview about Opening Chess Moves below.

Opening Chess Moves Overview

1. Open games start with 1.e4 e5
2. Half open games start with 1.e4 and Black answers not 1…e5 but plays other opening moves
3. Closed games start NOT with e4 but with other chess opening moves.

Open Games – your Way to start!

Just replay some chess games for fun to get the idea of why certain Opening Chess Moves are played.

opening chess moves opening chess moves
Ruy Lopez (spanish) Chess Opening
Berlin Defence
Classical or Cordel Variation

Scotch Chess Opening

opening chess moves opening chess moves
Italian opening (Giuoco Piano) Two Knights Defense

opening chess moves
Russian defense (Petrov defense)

UNIQUE Chess Courses by Grandmaster Igor Smirnov

For Black

If you play 1…e5 as Black, you should know how to play the right setup against White’s different opening lines. To cover all that knowledge I recommend Play the open games as Black by GM John Emms.

For White

If Black plays not e5 but something else…
If you have the white pieces and start with 1.e4 and Black does not answer 1..e5 this is no problem as he must play a system, right? And you can study all the systems that are available to the black pieces.

After some time you will know how to handle each system that is known unto man. There are different opening systems to be learned. But to penetrate deeper into the spirit of any particular chess openings you have to buy some good chess books/DVD’s about the openings you like and begin to specialize. This saves time and effort.

So, if Black plays not 1..e5 – so what, after a while you will know the system he has selected and you know the correct set up for White. You will be prepared. It takes time to learn all this, but you will get there eventually, don’t worry.

Start with the Sicilian Defense and the French Defense, after you have studied first the open games above where black answers 1…e5.

The Sicilian and French chess openings are very popular and occur quite often. Here you can study many games in detail. Just click on the link below under the image.

Popular Black Systems

chess openings chess openings
Sicilian Defence French Defence
chess openings chess openings
Caro-Kann Defense Scandinavian Defense

opening chess moves chess openings
Pirc Defense Alekhine Defense

opening chess moves
Modern Defense

Surprize Weapons

In your chess games it is sometimes useful to play a different opening to avoid running into your opponents home-prepared opening lines.

Your opponent knows you and what chess opening you usually play and will prepare an opening line against you to beat you. Below I will show you some interesting opening systems to surprize your opponent yourself.

Surprise Weapons for White

opening chess moves opening chess moves
Evans Gambit Kings Gambit

opening chess moves opening chess moves
Nimzovich-Larsen Attack Stonewall Attack

opening chess moves
London System Bf4

Play the above Opening Chess Moves with White to upset your Opponent. This will confront him with new opening lines that he probably doesn’t know and will make his home preparations useless. But use the Evans Gambit and the Kings Gambit just as a surprise weapon, because these Opening Systems are very aggressive and should be studied well before you apply them.

For Black

If you have the black pieces and your opponent plays first move e4, try to set up the Italian position as Black. This means that your black bishop should be on c5 (attacking f2) and your knights are placed on the natural squares c6 and f6.

This is a good and solid setup for Black. If White plays the Scotch, then you still can play Bc5 later on in some variations. Make sure you get your pieces out fast to be able to castle on time.

Surprise Weapons for Black

opening chess moves opening chess moves
Qf6-Anti-Spanish (Lopez) Jaenisch Schliemann Gambit

opening chess moves opening chess moves
Marshall-Attack B6 System

CONTINUE to – Chess Openings III

Which Chess Opening To play
My Chess Openings
My Best Way to Open