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Is King Rook vs King Rook a Draw?

Yes, King Rook vs King Rook is a draw if you play correctly and do not blunder away your rook or run into a checkmate.

Only in extreme circumstances when your King or Rook is badly placed and when it is not your move then you might lose. But these positions are very rare.

White moves and wins

king rook vs king rook

Black made a bad move as he moved his king to c6, which loses the game. 1…Kc6??  2.Ra6+ and wins the rook.

White moves and wins

king rook vs king rook

Black’s pieces are badly placed. White plays: 1.Kf6+ and White wins the rook and the game.

White moves and wins

king rook vs king rook

Black made a disastrous error and played: 1…Kd8??

Black moves and wins

king rook vs king rook

White has made a blunder 1.Rg1?? and loses to 1…Rh8+

Black moves and loses

king rook vs king rook

Black’s pieces are badly placed as he either loses his rook or gets checkmated.

Always stay with your king in the center.

White moves and loses

king rook vs king rook
No matter what White does he either loses his rook or gets checkmated.

Make sure you avoid all these traps above then you can make a draw.