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Chess Teaching Software

An excellent Chess Teaching Software, that I know, is called “Chess Tutor”. It is chess software that consists of the parts: Chess Tutor 1 and 2 and might extend to part 3.

I am sure that it can teach you playing chess very fast, if you give it a fair chance. Many children and young people have already learned chess using this software.

In the first step you learn the rules of the chess game and you develop the basic skills, necessary to play chess. The step-by-step method introduces a unique sequence of the teaching material.

Astonishing is that learning how to mate is postponed as long as possible because up till now, practice has shown that this approach works very well. You learn to play chess easily because you can practise what you have learned with the many build in games.

chess teaching software

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chess teaching software

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Chess Tutor is a Windows program and is based on the internationally successful “Stappenmethode” (“Step-by-Step Method”) by Brunia/van Wijgerden.

The “Step-by-Step Method” aims to teach children to play chess and is used by a large number of schools and chess clubs in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Austria and consists of six steps.

Each step comes with an instruction book to be used by the trainer / teacher / parent and a workbook with exercises for the students.

First you learn the elementary knowledge which every successful chess player needs. Step 1 contains 23 lessons, 1800 exercises and 66 games.

The Chess Tutor is suitable for children from 8 years and all adults and you get it at a very reasonable price. Just go to the website below and click on CHESS TUTOR in low left navigation.

Shredder PC Chess Program DVD – Click here!.
Their products are known worldwide for its excellent quality.