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If you pickup is it rule to move?

by Shalil (Philadelphia)
If you pickup Chessman’s piece on the board is it considered to move or can you put back down and move another chessman?


Hi Shalil,

Yes, if you touch a piece you must move it if it is possible to make a legal move with that piece. You are not allowed to move another piece.

This is called the touch-move rule. “If a player intentionally touches a piece on the board when it is his turn to move, then he or she must move or capture that piece if it is legal to do so. This is a rule of chess that is enforced in all games played in over-the-board competitions. The player claiming a touch-move violation must do so before making a move.” Wikipedia

If you hold a piece in your hand you can place it wherever you like. But as soon as you have executed the move and let go of a piece it is against the rules to pickup the piece again and move it somewhere else.

Read more at Wikipedia about the Touch Move Rule

I hope this helps.