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Yugoslav Attack – Dragon Chess Variation

The Yugoslav Attack is a line of the Dragon Variation, which is a chess variation of the Sicilian Defence.

The basic position of this chess opening is shown in the diagramm below.

This set-up leads to extremely sharp play because White is castling long and attacks the black kingside immediately with a pawn storm.

yugoslav attack

Black has to get counter play at the queenside at all costs and uses the half-open c-file for its operations. Both sides usually don’t shy away from sacrifices of all kinds to keep the attack going.

Just look how many times Black gets slaughtered and then decide for yourself if you like to play the Dragon with the black pieces or not.

Especially consider the game number 347, which is played by world-champion Anand,V versus Carlsen,M where Black is already losing after move 17.

If you want to make points in chess with the black pieces then play another opening that is less risky. Why running into an open knife?

Yugoslav-Attack – Chess Games

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