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World Chess Championship 2014

The World Chess Championship 2014 started on the 8.November 2014. Magnus Carlsen (Norway) is defending his title in Sochi (Russia) that he won against V. Anand last year in Chennai (India). I bet that M. Carlsen is going to win the match because he is about 20 years younger. Age matters!

However, I wish “Vishy” Anand good luck. He is a great player.

Prize money is one million Euro, the winner receives 60 % and the loser 40 %.

Time Control is 120 minutes (2 hours) for the first 40 moves, 60 minutes (1 hour)
for the next 20 moves and then 15 minutes for the rest of the game.

Read FIDE Handbook


Games start 3 pm local time

Round Date Result
1 8 Nov Draw
2 9 Nov Carlsen wins
3 11 Nov Anand wins
4 12 Nov Draw
5 14 Nov Draw
6 15 Nov Carlsen wins
7 17 Nov Draw
8 18 Nov Draw
9 20 Nov Draw
10 21 Nov Draw
11 23 Nov Carlsen wins

Read more at Wikipedia

The Challenger

world chess championship 2013
former World Champion “Vishy” Anand (India)

The World Champion

world chess championship 2013
Magnus Carlsen (Norway), is the highest rated chess player (Elo rating 2863) ever in the history of chess!

world chess championship 2014


Game 1 – Draw

world chess championship 2014

Anand’s game (White) went slightly downhill but finally recovered to a draw. White queen can give eternal check.

world chess championship 2014

Game 2 – Carlsen wins

world chess championship 2014

Anand (Black) made a gross error (h5) and Carlsen played Qb7 attacking g7 which is undefendable.

world chess championship 2014

Carlsen vs. Anand, Game 2

Grandmaster Yasser Seirawan analyzes Game 2 of the 2014 World Chess Championship. Yasser explores opening offshoots of the Berlin as well.

Replay Games

Game 3 – Anand wins

world chess championship 2014

world chess championship 2014
White moves
Last move 19 … Ra5
Apparently this position has happened before and is all known and is the point where Anand’s team is expected to have built upon. (GM Christian Bauer)

world chess championship 2014
White moves
28…Ba5?? the losing move as this leads to a deadly pin along the c-file…

world chess championship 2014

Anand (White) gained a small advantage right in the opening which he increased slowly to a winning game. In move 28 Carlsen went wrong for the first time in this game and after this the position was lost. See graph above

GM Anish Giri “I don’t think there was a change in strategy for Anand. The strategy has always been fine, just today it finally worked out well. Anand got very lucky that Carlsen was completely unaware of this relatively well known variation.”

Game 4 – Draw

Magnus Carlsen

Carlsen (White) avoided main lines of the Sicilian Defense and selected a less popular side line in which he intended to create and play against an isolated d-pawn. See below

Magnus Carlsen
Position above after 9…Bg4 10.Qd3

“Anand quickly plays the novelty 9…Bg4. Normally Black goes 9…0-0 in this position. This is a bit surprising…” – GM Natalia Pogonina

“I played a guy at blitz who explained he was hoping I would die of a heart attack. Perhaps this is also Magnus’ strategy? :)” – GM Nigel Short

world chess championship 2014
White moves: Draw – Eternal check

Carlsen vs. Anand – Game 4

Game 5 – Draw

world chess championship 2014
White moves
Carlsen (Black) uses the Queens Indian Defense. See above

world chess championship 2014

After a lot of exchanges the game ended in a draw. See above

Replay Games

Game 6 – Carlsen wins with White

Anand (Black) defended with the Sicilian Defense but Carlsen traded queens early and entered a difficult, dry, die-hard middle game in which Anand missed his chance to reach a winning game. (26…Nxe5!) See below.
After that his game fell apart and Carlsen won the weak edge pawn a3 and soon reached a strong winning position in the center.

world chess championship 2014
Black moves
Anand missed his chance to get a winning advantage playing 26…Nxe5! 27.RxR Nxc4+ 28.Ke2 RxR

world chess championship 2014
Anand (Black) resigned in this position due to the overwhelming material advantage of Carlsen.

Comment by Grandmaster Bogdan Lalic as follows:

“I looked up quickly the last game and can say that I do not know where did Anand do mistake, maybe even the whole endgame is better for white I do not know.

Black has a better pawn structure, but is somewhat passive on the kingside and White has a pair of bishops. They repeated the moves so Anand was happy to draw this game at any moment, but then somehow Black’s pawn on a3 was lost and White transfered to a won opposite-coloured-bishops game with 2 extra pawns for White.

So I really do not know why did Black lose, maybe it is wrong to take with d-pawn on c6 and allow this endgame, but I am not so sure because before that game Black was taking with d-pawn and not b-pawn. (in the opening)

I still do not believe that White’s Queen to d3 is so strong. So again Carlsen is a mystery to me, he wins again in some slightly better endgame but I do not understand why did he win at all!

In short he does not play some highly theoretical lines but he plays simple peasant like computer chess without great deep strategy but very effective and the rate of his mistakes is next to 0, in short he plays like a computer and I hate this dry style, but as we can see now in practice that boring computer-like style pays off.

Still for me Fischer is a genius and Carlsen is not…”

“… I looked at the game Carlsen-Anand quickly without going deeply now I saw that Anand missed a simple tactics by 26…Nxe5!, it is very strange that Carlsen misses this tactics ( I am sure I would have seen that with both colours during the game because after 27 Rxg8 Nxc4+ 29 Kd3 Black has 29…Nb2+! saving the Knight and in fact which is winning for Black ), in fact I think even in rapidplay I would have seen that for both players it is quite an obvious trick. How on earth Carlsen does not see it by playing 26 Kd2?? and even stranger how Anand misses that rather simple tactics by overlooking the simple 26…Nxe5!”

Replay Games
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