The Women’s World Chess Championship 2016 is a chess match between Mariya Muzychuk (UKR), the current champion, and the challenger Hou Yifan (CHINA) played over 10 games from 1 to 19 March 2016 in Lviv, Ukraine.
Hou Yifan (CHINA) left (ELO 2673)
Mariya Muzychuk (UKRAINE) ELO 2554
Game 1
Mariya Muzychuk vs Hou Yifan – Italian Game – 1/2-1/2
Game 2
Hou Yifan vs Mariya Muzychuk – Open Spanish (Ruy Lopez) – 1-0
Black moves
Black should play 28…Qe7 to get out of the rook pin but captured the pawn at g6 instead, playing 28…hxg6?? and after 29.Rxd5 White got an overwhelming attack along the white squares (diagonal a2-g8) after 30.Bb3 and Black lost a piece and resigned.
Game 3
Mariya Muzychuk vs Hou Yifan – Catalan Opening – 1/2-1/2
Game 4
Hou Yifan vs Mariya Muzychuk – Open Spanish (Ruy Lopez) – 1/2-1/2
Game 5
Hou Yifan vs Mariya Muzychuk – English Opening – 1/2-1/2
Game 6
Mariya Muzychuk vs Hou Yifan – Italian Game 0-1
In this position above (left) White played the losing move 33.Bc2? then
33…exf! followed and White was in trouble
34.RxR RxR 35.RxR f2! and Black promotes the f-pawn to a queen.
Game 7
Hou Yifan vs Mariya Muzychuk – Open Spanish (Ruy Lopez) – 1/2-1/2
Game 8
Mariya Muzychuk vs Hou Yifan – Catalan Opening – 1/2-1/2
Game 9
Hou Yifan vs Mariya Muzychuk – Sicilian – 1-0
Hou Yifan had the better endgame position and managed to create a passed pawn which was decisive.
Hou Yifan is leading with 3 points…
Hou Yifan is World Champion
Hou Yifan became the Women’s World Champion for the fourth time with the final score 3:6
Flip Board: Press F-Key (or click e7 or d2 on top) Select a game: Click on grey bar
Women’s World Chess Championship 2011
Women’s World Chess Championship 2012
Women’s World Chess Championship 2013
Women’s World Chess Championship 2015
Women’s World Chess Championship 2017

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