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Learning Chess – Fight The Pin

Learning chess is a complex undertaking as there are many chess ideas you should know. One of them is the pin. If one of your pieces gets pinned then it loses its strength as it can’t move anymore.

Sometimes you can lose a piece if it is pinned and then attacked a few times, as you may not be able to protect it sufficiently.

To learn chess is fun, isn’t it? Here are some positions where the pinning of pieces play an important role. You can use the pin to win. Win it!

chess learning chess learning
1) White moves 2) White moves
chess learning chess learning
3) Black moves 4) Black moves
chess learning chess learning
5) White moves 6) Black moves
chess learning chess learning
7) White moves 8) Black moves
chess learning chess learning
9) B moves 10) B moves
chess learning chess learning
11) White moves 12) W moves


1) 1.Nxc6 Rc8 2.Rxb (if RxN? then Rb8+
2) 1.RexN cxR 2.RxR
3) 1…Ng3! Q moves, followed by 2…NxR
4) 1.Nxc – the bishop can’t recapture as it is pinned.
5) 1.Bxd7 QxB? 2.QxQ – the knight cannot recapture it is pinned.
6) 1…Qxd3 2. BxQ RxQ wins a piece
7) 1.Qxh6+#
8) 1…Be4 Rook moves and hit on g2
9) 1…Nf3+ followed by NxR
10)1…Qc3! double attack, it threatens checkmate and the rook is attacked!
11)1.Qf7!! Kh8 2.RxR NxR 3.QxN QxQ 4.RxQ+#

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