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Chess Tutorials – See the Danger coming!

It’s your move – see the dangerous moves of your opponent in this chess tutorial.

Just see it!

chess tutorials chess tutorials
1) White moves 2) Black moves
chess tutorials chess tutorials
3) Black moves 4) Black moves
chess tutorials chess tutorials
5) Black moves 6) Black moves
chess tutorials chess tutorials
7) White moves 8) Black moves
chess tutorials chess tutorials
9) White moves 10) White moves
chess tutorials chess tutorials
11) Black moves 12) Black moves


1) threat is Qb4+ and wins the bishop
2) “” 1.Nc7+ wins the bishop
3) “” 1.Rh8+ Bf8 2.Qd8+#
4) “” 1.Nd6 followed by 2.Re8
5) “” 1.Rd1 and Black loses the bishop
6) “” 1.Rxa7+ KxR 2.Qa5+#
7) “” 1…Nxe4
8) “” 1.BxNc6 RxR 2.Re8+
9) “” 1…BxBc3 2.bxB QxN 3.QxR QxR+
10) “” 1…Nc5+ and NxR loses the exchange
11) “” 1.Rxe4 would lose the knight
12) “” 1.Rg7+ followed by RxR

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