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Chess Problems – Defend against the Pin!

Chess problems keep your brain active. Get some training here and get rid of the chess pin!

chess problems chess problems
1) Black moves 2) Black moves
chess problems chess problems
3) Black moves 4) White moves
chess problems chess problems
5) Black moves 6) White moves
chess problems chess problems
7) White moves 8) Black moves
chess problems chess problems
9) Black moves 10) White moves
chess problems chess problems
11) Black moves 12) Black moves


1) 1…c6
2) 1…Ne6
3) 1…Ne7
4) 1.Ne2 you can’t move the bishop or Black gives checkmate
5) 1…0-0 if 2.RxB?? then Rd1+ checkmate
6) 1.Bxf7 this move protects the rook and attacks the queen at the same time
7) 1.Bd3 if exB? then 2.RxR
8) 1…RxB if 2.NxR then Rd1+#
9) 1…Nb4
10)1.Ne2 Rd1+ 2.Ng1
11)1…QxR 2.QxQ RxQ 3.RxR exchange off everything

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