Read these Reviews about the Chess Course ‘The Grandmaster’s Secrets’

“… and truly believe that it can take you to the FM level and beyond …”
Konstantin Fedoseev, USA,
owner of the chess course
“The Grandmaster’s Secrets”.
Igor Smirnov’s chess course: “The Grandmaster’s Secrets” offers a crystal clear approach to self-improvement on a practical level.
He explains, in easy to understand language, the necessary way of thinking that one must use throughout the Opening, Middlegame, and Endgame to achieve high level results. Igor also explains many typical mistakes that beginners make when trying to study by themselves without a trainer.
I highly recommend this course to anyone above 1200 ELO and truly believe that it can take you to the FM level and beyond.
Konstantin Fedoseev, USA
“GM Igor Smirnov is not scared to be honest telling you what the professional chess player actually does today.”
IA. Dr. Christopher Wright (New Zealand),
International Arbiter of FIDE.
We live in an age where there is a lot information in the form of chess books and videos. The problem is they are copies from a database without explanation, or they are moves that provide a superficial explanation of the position with the view to meet the level of the average club player.
Knowledge is provided, but omit the needs of the progressive student. No IM or GM wishes to give their own secret analysis because they want to keep it to themselves for their own use. Hence, why club players don’t improve because the source information is concealed.
By contrast GM Igor Smirnov is not scared to be honest telling you what the professional chess player actually does today. His focus on quality, helps you to lift your mediocre standards. His approach is simple and effective. Igor’s tuition comes from his own experience, so he knows what he is talking about. As Igor states “proved by practice”.
However, such a serious teacher requires a serious and aspiring student, and if you are willing to accept his recommendations then you will achieve your chess goals.
IA. Dr. Christopher Wright (New Zealand)
International Arbiter of FIDE
My dear Teacher IGOR SMIRNOV,
I would like to thank you first!
Secondly, to be honest, that Video is amazing. I watched the introduction and lesson 1 the 2 parts.
Wow, I didn’t imagine you people think like that 🙂
And the most important thing is HOW TO THINK… it’s like giving me the Key to Win. When i played with one of my strongest collegues at work, he won me easily! I really felt badly, and i said, maybe Chess is not for me… But after watching the First Video, i won him Twice, with a Quality Game.
Then after watching, reading and practicing the Practical Part (not yet finished with them), i can feel the improvement, so did my friends.. They even call me in the Company Grand Master 🙂
And the 2nd Video (about the blunders).. it’s a really Golden Advice… and i will practice on it…
And in my opinion I do recommend the both Videos and the Excercises provided with the Grand Master’s Secrets to Beginners, Average, and Experts. You will not Regret it!
Mohammad Naji
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